Discover the Rewards of being involved in Your Neighborhood
The Central Lake View community boundaries are the north side of Diversey to the south side Belmont and the east side of Racine to the west side of Halsted. It is a quiet, residential area made up of single-family homes, multi-units, and courtyard apartments. Throughout this neighborhood you will find many brick and stone single-family homes dating back to the early 1900’s. The balance of the neighborhood is a mix of 1920’s structures that are 2, 3 and 4 flats. You are likely to find coach houses tucked behind many of the street-facing properties. CHA has 16 residential units plus there are 7 affordable housing units. Within the eight blocks, there are 64 buildings that are historically significant as reported in the Chicago significant structure survey. Homeowners of the 800 block of Oakdale and several homeowners on the 1000 blocks of Oakdale have landmarked their properties.
The area is very accessible to public transportation, shops, and entertainment. Halsted, Diversey, Sheffield and Belmont make up the majority of the business district within CLVN boundaries. Advocate Illinois Masonic Hospital and Trauma Center makes its makes its home here. The institution currently occupies approximately 30% of the real estate in the neighborhood. Our neighborhood school is Harriet Tubman IB World School (formerly Agassiz Elementary) located at 2851 N. Seminary. The school offers a fine and performing arts magnet cluster school with a focus on visual arts and music. They also offer a full day pre-K and a rich mix of after school programs.