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The organization shall be known as Central Lake View Neighbors (CLVN), a corporation organized as a branch of the Lake View Citizens’ Council (LVCC) and under the Illinois Not-For-Profit Corporation Act. The boundaries of CLVN are the east side of Racine on the west, the west side of Halsted on the east, the north side of Diversey on the south and the south side of Belmont on the north. CLVN will continue to operate as a neighborhood group in the event of the cessation or dissolution of the Lake View Citizen’s Council.



It shall be the purpose of CLVN to promote awareness of neighborhood issues that affect the interests of the residents and businesses within CLVN. CLVN will work on behalf of individuals and businesses in the community. CLVN will provide a forum for discussion and recommendations for action on issues of interest that affect the community. CLVN will promote beautification, maintenance and improvement of all property located within its boundaries.



CLVN shall provide membership to any resident who lives within its boundaries, any business that has a business location within its boundaries or any individual or business that has an interest within the boundaries of CLVN. There shall be three (3) classes of membership:



All persons eighteen (18) years of age or over who reside or own residential property totaling no more than four units in the CLVN area shall be eligible for residential membership. Each residential member shall have one (1) vote regardless of the number of properties owned.



Any civic, social, religious, educational or business organization, which has a office or business location, or any merchant’s association representing businesses or any person who owns more than four residential units within the boundaries of CLVN shall be eligible for institutional membership. Institutional members shall have one (1) vote per membership with up to four (4) individuals to be specified at time of membership application, qualified to cast this vote on behalf of the institution.



Individuals who do not live or own property within the boundaries of CLVN, or businesses that do not operate within the boundaries of CLVN shall be eligible for membership as an affiliate member. Affiliate members shall be non-voting members.




Revenue shall consist of dues, contributions, fund-raising and/or incidental income derived from the operation of the organization. CLVN may engage in any fund-raising activity consistent with its and LVCC’s status as a Not-For- Profit Corporation to raise funds as needed. A record of all financial transactions shall be maintained by the Treasurer.

Any changes to annual dues for each calendar year shall be established and ratified by the membership at least thirty (30) days prior to implementation. Dues shall be set at a reduced rate for residential members who are sixty (60) years of age or older. Dues shall be accepted only for the current calendar year at the start of each calendar year or at the time a new member joins during the year.


Effective November 2014 and each November thereafter the annual dues for the coming calendar year will be voted upon by the membership to become effective on the subsequent January 1st. Dues shall be set at a reduced rate for residential members who are sixty (60) years of age or older. If membership fails to change the amount of the dues for next calendar year, then the existing annual dues amount shall remain in effect for the next calendar year and the Treasurer shall be authorized to accept said amount after the November meeting for the next calendar year. For accounting purposes, dues may only be paid for one (1) year at a time and not for multiple years.




Any individual seeking office must be a voting member of CLVN with dues paid sixty (60) days prior to the election of officers. The office of the President shall have additional qualification requirements as further defined below. Officers shall attend meetings unless they have an excused absence. Officers shall notify the Recording Secretary if they are not able to attend a meeting. An officer who misses more than two meetings during the twelve (12) month period of office without an excused absence may be subject to removal for failure to perform the duties of office. An officer who fails to perform the duties of office shall be notified in writing of such failure and accorded seven (7) calendar days to respond. The Executive Committee will determine if the issue needs to be addressed at an Executive Committee meeting or a membership meeting. If the officer is removed or resigns from office, then the procedures for a special election pursuant to Article X shall be followed.

The duties of the officers of the organization, elected by the membership, shall consist of the following:



In addition to the above requirements, eligibility is further restricted to only those individuals who have previously been an officer of CLVN and are a current Residential Member. The President shall preside over all regular and special meetings and call special meetings if needed with notice to the membership. Appoint/dissolve committees, recommend to the Executive Committee chairs and a webmaster, shall appoint committee members, shall serve on all committees and be a voting member of the committees. Shall be the Chair of the Executive Committee. Shall create an agenda for membership meetings and the Executive Committee meetings based upon requests submitted by the officers, members or other individuals seeking to have a matter placed on the agenda. Shall implement resolutions and motions of the membership. Shall jointly approve, with the Treasurer, the distribution of funds from the treasury up to one hundred dollars ($100.00). Shall appoint a member to serve as the webmaster for the CLVN website.



The Vice President shall, in the absence of the President, assume the President’s duties. If the President shall resign or leave office before the term has expired the Vice-President shall assume the President’s duties until a special election, pursuant to Article X, is held and a new President is elected.



The Recording Secretary shall keep the minutes of membership meetings to include a record of all motions and the votes taken at the meeting. Shall maintain a record of membership meeting absences for each officer. Shall maintain current and past minutes for a period of three (3) years. Shall retain a written copy of the By-Laws and, as requested, provide hard copies to officers and committee chairs.



The Corresponding Secretary shall keep all records of correspondence of CLVN and its committees. Shall notify members of the regular or special meetings and notices at the direction of the President or Committee Chair (s). Shall develop and maintain the membership database. Shall retain membership applications for at least one (1) year.



The Treasurer shall receive and maintain records and disburse all organization funds. Shall maintain a record of all financial transactions and make an oral report of the treasury at membership meetings. Shall provide an annual written report of CLVN financial condition and proposed budget at the January meeting. Shall maintain records of financial transactions for three (3) years including annual reports. Shall ensure all bill and fees are promptly paid. Shall jointly approve, with the President, the distribution of funds from the treasury up to one hundred dollars ($100.00).



Area Directors shall keep the general membership informed of the issues or events in the area they represent. CLVN shall be roughly divided into four (4) areas with one area director for each. Shall assist in notifying the members of CLVN events. Shall assist in membership drives for new members. Shall assist in the circulation of materials for meetings or events to residents and businesses within CLVN. An Area Director shall have the power to delegate/select individuals to assist in their duties.




The President shall create various committees and appoint committee members from the membership, except as further defined below. The President may create such committees as he or she deems necessary or appropriate. The Executive Committee shall approve or disapprove Committee Chairs as recommended by the President. Committee Chairs and members shall serve until new chairs are appointed or until such Committee Chairs and/or members resign.


The committees shall meet as determined by the President or Committee Chair(s). Committee members shall notify the Committee Chair(s) and/or President of any conflict of interest on any issue that may come before the committee and not vote on that particular matter. Failure to reveal any connection with a matter before a committee is grounds for removal from the committee in the sole discretion of the CLVN Executive Committee. The Committee Chair(s), including Standing Committees (as defined below), shall provide the President a written summary of status, activities and actions taken as well as provide an oral report of same to the membership at the membership meetings. All committee meetings, including Standing Committees, are open to the general membership. Only those members who are duly appointed members of a committee shall be entitled to vote on any matter to be voted on by such committee. There shall be six (6) Standing Committees:



The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer and Area Directors. The Executive Committee shall meet as least quarterly to discuss goals and review possible agenda items. The Executive Committee shall approve or disapprove an LVCC delegate and alternate, and approve or disapprove Committee Chair(s) and a webmaster.

The Executive Committee may act on behalf of the membership if time is of the essence on any issue or event. The Executive Committee shall report to the membership of any action taken. The Executive Committee must approve all expenditures from the treasury greater than one hundred dollars ($100.00).



The Planning and Zoning Chair(s) shall be residential members. The Planning and Zoning Committee shall act in an advisory capacity for the membership as directed by the President on issues involving property within the boundaries of CLVN. This Committee will also monitor any property agreements between CLVN and third parties as well as on-going and pending construction activity; provided that the Planning and Zoning Committee shall have no liability or obligation to any member or property owner if any party to any such agreement (including CLVN) fails to comply with her, his or its obligations thereunder. Recommendations or decisions of this Committee shall not be binding on the CLVN membership.



The Membership Committee shall develop plans to recruit new members and maintain existing members.



The Beautification Committee shall identify and promote opportunities for landscape beautification. This Committee shall monitor building activity to insure adherence to the City of Chicago Landscape Ordinance.



The Parks Committee shall work to improve and add parks within the CLVN boundaries.



The Nominating Committee shall make a report to the general membership at the September meeting of names of individuals and the offices sought. The Nominating Committee shall publish the nominating report in the minutes prior to the election in November.




The Executive Committee shall appoint individuals from the membership to serve as delegates and alternates to any outside committee or organization. Failure to perform the functions of the appointment are grounds for removal by the Executive Committee. Delegates will provide a written report to the President and have a verbal report at membership meetings as appropriate.




Effective January 1, 2014, meetings of the membership will be held on the second Tuesday of the month for the following months: January, March, May, July, September and November and shall be open to the general public. The location and time of all membership meetings shall be published in the CLVN newsletter and on the CLVN website. A newsletter or an email containing the minutes of the past meeting and an agenda for the upcoming meeting will be distributed to the members at least ten (10) days prior to the scheduled meeting. If a meeting needs to be scheduled, rescheduled or cancelled the membership shall be notified as soon as possible.


Membership meeting agendas will be finalized fourteen (14) days prior to a scheduled meeting and only revised thereafter at the discretion of the President. Any matter brought to the attention of the President after this deadline will be considered for inclusion in the next meeting unless time is of the essence. A sign-in sheet will serve as a written record of those in attendance. If requested by a member eligible to vote, a vote will be by paper ballot. The votes will be tallied at the meeting and the results announced during the meeting.


Residential and institutional members shall have the right to vote if current year dues were paid twenty eight (28) days prior to the time of a vote. In addition, at the start of a new calendar year, members eligible to vote from the previous year will have until January 31st to pay their dues and maintain their continuous voting eligibility for the calendar year.

Unless otherwise provided in the By-Laws, in membership meetings, Standing Committee meetings, or any other appointed Committee meeting, a majority vote of those eligible voters present that cast a vote shall be required to approve or disapprove a motion. A quorum is required to vote on all motions other than acceptance of the minutes, the treasurer’s report, and the date of the next meeting. A quorum for a regular meeting shall consist of twelve (12) members eligible to vote. A quorum for an Executive Committee meeting shall consist of four (4) officers. A quorum for all other Committee meetings shall consist of 51% of the committee membership.


For any vote, the President may ask for individuals voting to identify themselves by names so the Recording Secretary may record the vote of each member on a master member list for the meeting. Those voting records will be retained by the Recording Secretary for three (3) years after the vote. A member voting on the matter may challenge the vote at the meeting by stating the basis for the vote.


Liquor license requests for Consumption on Premises-Incidental Activity or Sidewalk Café on the public way where the service of liquor is incidental and secondary to the sale of food may be voted upon after one may be voted upon after one presentation unless the membership determines that a second presentation at a membership meeting is required to allow for additional documentation, comments or consideration. All other liquor license requests require two presentations. Establishments requesting a first time Privilege on the Public Way to operate a Sidewalk Café License shall appear at the March CLVN membership meeting unless the business is new at that location and opened after the March meeting agenda was closed.




A recommendation shall be provided to the Alderman for any request for a zoning change, zoning variance or special use for any property in the CLVN boundaries. The matter shall be presented to the membership for at least two (2) meetings. It shall be presented at the first (1st) meeting with questions and comments from those in attendance. A vote may be taken at the second (2nd) meeting following additional discussion. However, no vote shall be taken until the zoning or special use application has been filed with the City of Chicago and notice sent to property owners within 250 feet of the affected property. Prior to any membership vote, the owner/developer, must submit a Developer’s Checklist to the President within two (2) weeks after the first presentation to the membership, for review and analysis by the Planning and Zoning Committee. A report and recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Committee will then be presented to the membership at the second (2nd) membership meeting at which this matter is on the agenda.


If the matter fails to be approved by the vote of the membership, the owner/developer must wait for a period of one (1) year before seeking to place the item on the agenda again, unless a substantial change occurs in the facts and circumstances or the request is modified in a substantial manner (as determined by the Planning and Zoning Committee). If it is determined that a substantial change has occurred/been made, the owner/developer may request this matter to be reconsidered by the membership following the procedures outlined above.




Effective in 2014, the election of officers shall occur at the November meeting. In addition to the Nominating Committee report, any member eligible to vote may nominate any other member. Any member eligible to vote may also notify either the President or the Chair of the Nominating Committee that he or she desires to seek office and will have their name added to the candidate slate. The newly elected officers shall assume the duties of their office January 1, 2015 and on the following January 1 thereafter. The term of the office shall be for one year. A special election may be held at membership meetings with ten (10) days prior notice.




These By-Laws may be amended at any meeting of the membership by a vote of two-thirds (2/3’s) of the members present eligible to vote provided the proposed amendment has been sent in writing to the members at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting. 



Enacted the 8th day of October 2009. Amended January 9, 2014.

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