Landmarking & Preservation
“Landmark designation benefits all the citizens of Chicago – present and future. Landmarks help stabilize and redevelop our neighborhoods and preserve the city’s architectural and cultural heritage. They also provide a significant economic benefit to both the owner and the community."
Landmark designation means that a building or district has a significant value to the historic architectural and cultural heritage of the city. This status can only be conveyed by the Chicago City Council, based on a recommendation from the commission. There are over 100 buildings in our neighborhood that have been designated as historically significant.
Below are the landmarked homes within CLVN:
W. Oakdale Ave. 814 thru 858 (evens) Oakdale Avenue District
W. Oakdale Ave. 815 thru 859 (odds) Oakdale Avenue District
W. Oakdale Ave. 1038 thru 1058 (evens) Terra Cotta Row District
W. Oakdale Ave. 1055 thru 1059 (odds) Terra Cotta Row District